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您所在的位置:u乐国际老虎机 >> 供求信息 >> 意大利Datalogic Matrix 410N™条形码阅读器


优乐娱乐平台网址状态: [出售]
优乐娱乐平台网址名称: 意大利Datalogic Matrix 410N™条形码阅读器
优乐娱乐平台网址图片: 意大利Datalogic Matrix 410N™条形码阅读器
型 号: 意大利Datalogic Matrix 410N™条形码阅读器
数 量: 10


Matrix 410N™ is an industrial 2D imager for traceability applications in material handling and logistic environments.

Matrix 410N™ is equipped with a ultra-fast image sensor, scanning at 2.0 MPixels, with a frame rate of 45 fps. 

Ethernet connectivity is embedded, including standard communication services (TCP/IP, HTTP, FTP) and the most common industrial fieldbuses, as PROFINET IO, ETHERNET/IP, MODBUS TCP. 

Matrix 410N is flexible, easily configurable as single device reading station or in a multiple device layout, in order to scan over larger areas or multiple sides.  

Matrix 410N offers image saving functions for reading cases review (as No Reads). Up to 3.000 images can be stored on board or transfer to an external FTP clients.

Matrix 410N is “ease of use”: the DL.CODE software enables graphical setup and supports in-line monitoring functionalities, including live image display, reading statistics and diagnostics.

The embedded laser aimer and the patented Green Spot - projected into the scanning area - permit to user a quick scanning area determination and to easily acknowledge a reading without any external accessory or software.



This product series has been developed to satisfy to requirements of the following reference applications:

Distribution & Retail

  • Manual Presentation
  • Small Objects Sorting
  • Totes content scanning


  • End of line, Carton/objects, single or multi-side scanning


  • Part traceability in assembly

Pharmaceutical distribution

  • Automated storage/retrival
  • Automated Order fulfilment/validation
发布时间: 2016-12-21 15:43:06
有效期: 已过期

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