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您所在的位置:u乐国际老虎机 >> 供求信息 >> 优乐娱乐平台网址更换通知:Littelfuse 255.0899.x001 系列MOQ/MPQ变更


优乐娱乐平台网址状态: [出售]
优乐娱乐平台网址名称: 优乐娱乐平台网址更换通知:Littelfuse 255.0899.x001 系列MOQ/MPQ变更
优乐娱乐平台网址图片: 优乐娱乐平台网址更换通知:Littelfuse 255.0899.x001 系列MOQ/MPQ变更
型 号: LF PCN# A0065 Notification change of MOQ of material 255.0899.x001
数 量: 12229

Littelfuse Inc. would like to notify you of the Minimum Order Quantity change of materials 255.0899.4001 and 255.0899.5001 Insulation Nuts for CF Fuse with Locking Hook.  Littelfuse is making this change to comply with supplier MOQ to Littelfuse, and will be implemented September 1, 2014.   

Material    Description    New MOQ/Del  Unit    Old MOQ/Del  Unit
255.0899.4001    INSULATION NUT  FOR CF  W/ LOCKING HOOK 3    400 pc    100 pc
255.0899.5001    INSULATION NUT  FOR CF  W/ LOCKING HOOK 4    400 pc    100 pc

This change will eliminate the need for repackaging, and help to control price increases on these products.

This is an ordering / delivery quantity change only.  No change will be made to the materials.

Please contact your local Littelfuse representative if you have any additional questions.   We will be pleased to answer any questions you may have.

Thank you for your continued support.

发布时间: 2014-12-01 14:16:46
有效期: 已过期

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